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Joy Crow's Profile


Joy Crow

Third Grade Teacher

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

(918)758-2030 6133

About Me

Educational History:

I attended Beggs Public school in highschool during the late 1980s. I later earned two Associates degrees from OSUIT in Okmulgee. I more recently graduated from Northeastern State University on 5/5/2017.

Degrees and Certifications:

Associate in Applied Science in Legal Secretarial Technology

Associate in Science in Pre-education 

Bachelor of Science in Education—Major: Special Education (Mild/Moderate disorders)

Professional Development:


Harcourt Journeys implementation


Current Position:

This is my first school year with Okmulgee Public Schools. I am co-teaching 3rd grade with Ms. Leka and am responsible for special services for all 3rd grade students who are classified as mild/moderate.

Previous Position:

Even though I am new to teaching in a public school setting, I do have experience in utilizing teaching and leadership skills with Boy Scouts of America. I had the responsibility of scheduling, organizing meetings, teaching classes, and training pack and den leaders. I also have experience with tutoring students on an individual basis outside of a regular school setting.

Family Information:

I have been happily married for 18 years to a very supportive and loving husband and father. We have three boys who have very colorful and fascinating personalities. Their ages are 11, 13, and 16. We also have 2 chiweenie dogs and 2 little fish who make life exceptionally interesting and add spice to our lives. 

Personal Information:

I served in the Oklahoma Army National Guard from 1995 to 2011 in an engineering unit. I had the pleasure of being a part of construction projects that included building schools in Belize and a maintenance facility in Trinidad and Tobago. I found that I enjoy working together with people from different parts of the world and learning their cultures. My hobbies are sewing, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, woodworking, drawing, coloring, and recreating learning resources for children. 

Joy Crow

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Contact Joy Crow

School Phone:
(918)758-2030 6133